THIS is how you do it!
This post is dedicated to my Mom and my foreign kids/friends and all you other people who still haven' understood how to leave a comment when you visit my blog... I know you're here. I can see it on my "visitor-counter" but I can't see it on my blog. This is what you do....
Under each post there's a line that says: o comments or 14 comments or whatever.
Press on that line and a new window will pop up.
At the bottom of this window there's a box that says : Leave your comment
Here you can write whatever, within reason of course..:)
Then you must choose an identity before you can post your comment.
If you don't have a blogspot-blog you choose "Other" and write your name and if you wanna; a webpage-adress.
When you've done that you can just hit the " Publish Your Comment"-button and you just posted you first comment on my blog!!!
It's not that hard- even my little sister (9) managed to do it.
Under each post there's a line that says: o comments or 14 comments or whatever.
Press on that line and a new window will pop up.
At the bottom of this window there's a box that says : Leave your comment
Here you can write whatever, within reason of course..:)
Then you must choose an identity before you can post your comment.
If you don't have a blogspot-blog you choose "Other" and write your name and if you wanna; a webpage-adress.
When you've done that you can just hit the " Publish Your Comment"-button and you just posted you first comment on my blog!!!
It's not that hard- even my little sister (9) managed to do it.
nå står det hvertfall 1 comment!!
middag igjen snart??
patrick, at lørdag, 09 september, 2006
I am a big boy.
Anonym, at lørdag, 09 september, 2006
hvor finner du hvor mange besøkende det har vært? hmmm
og man skal ikke kimse av 9-åringers datakunnskaper! bare så det er sagt :)
Hilde, at lørdag, 09 september, 2006
Patrick: hvis æ får DVD-spiller så ska du få middag..:)
Gudmund:Du kan jo engelsk!
Hilde, langt ne på sida har æ en liten telle-boks vettu..:)Ikke kims!!! tAKK FOR MAIL
Kristin-Bistin-Bo-Bistin, at lørdag, 09 september, 2006
Got it! :)
Anonym, at lørdag, 09 september, 2006
Jeg får det til Kristin...:)
Takk for kommentar og nye inspirerende tanker om Moses.
Du er tøff!
See ya
Rebekka, at lørdag, 09 september, 2006
hey its not that hard, you were right. i think i shall start me a blog too!! viva la revolution!!
Anonym, at lørdag, 09 september, 2006
And this is..Karl?
Kristin-Bistin-Bo-Bistin, at lørdag, 09 september, 2006
Det er et velkjent fenomen det der... *Vinker*
Ha en bra helg videre Kristin!
Nina, at lørdag, 09 september, 2006
I forgot you had blogspot. Gloria got me to start it a couple of months ago! Yay. How's your show going?
Jennifah, at lørdag, 09 september, 2006
Kristin! Wow this is so exciting. I didn't know you had a blog.
I can't understand half of your blog, although I saw you had a posty about steve Irwin dieing. It was a sad sad day. Also, this other guy who was really well known in Australia for his car racing died this last week too. It hasn't been a very good week for us Aussies :P
Anyway, have a great day. I'll see ya later :)
Pete, at søndag, 10 september, 2006
IT WORKS!!!!!! tons of kisses!!!!
Anonym, at søndag, 10 september, 2006
Jeg var her. 10.sept. kl 15.20
Knut Håkon, at søndag, 10 september, 2006
..girl: you know TOO MANY people! Just look at your links!! I want that toooooo..
tingaling, at søndag, 10 september, 2006
Everyone know a lot of people, I just know a lot of blogging people..:)
YOu guys, so funny that you're commenting. All I miss know is some german girls and my mom!!Then I'll be truly satisfied..:)
Kristin-Bistin-Bo-Bistin, at mandag, 11 september, 2006
wow I did it! did you expect that?
So and now when I know how it works I can write you more.
- you are going to be well sooooo fast. I think at least tomorrow around 10:27!!!
kisses and a hug:)
Anonym, at onsdag, 13 september, 2006
I am truly satisfied..!
Kristin-Bistin-Bo-Bistin, at onsdag, 13 september, 2006
неофициальный сайт
Anonym, at fredag, 30 juli, 2010
Жесткое порно фото
Anonym, at søndag, 01 august, 2010
игровые автоматы бесплатно
Anonym, at torsdag, 05 august, 2010
на игры для девочек онлайн бесплатно
Anonym, at torsdag, 05 august, 2010
Anonym, at lørdag, 07 august, 2010
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