torsdag, juni 29, 2006

My dear friends...

I can’t believe it’s over!! But saying goodbye to you yeasterday (or today, it was after all 4 am in the morning.. ) made me realise; this is it. It’s over. Not our friendship!!! But my stay here in Australia and Brisbane. I’ve walked for the last time over Goodwill Bridge, sat surfing on the library or taken the 391 shuttlebus to Kelvin Grove for teh last time. At least for a long time. Australia for me hasn’t been about the weather, the beaches, the kangaroo. It was all about you. You made my stay! By letting me get to know you and opening up your hearts to a lost lonesome Norwegian. All the things we’ve done, all the laughs we had, all the parties, all the talks about everything and nothing. The trips and the everyday-life. If it wasnt for you guys I never would have made it down under..So I wanna thank you. For all you’ve meant for me.
I wish you all the very best. I pray that God will bless you in every way. And remember this is not goodbye, it’s SEE YA!! Cause we have to see eachother again.. I’m looking forward to it already!!!
Lots of love and hugs and kisses and so on und so weiter!

-Written the 27th of June-


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